Hey people! As the world glorified the workers all over the world on May day, I celebrated it in the true spirit... by working on Worker's day. Yeah, I know, it sucks.
Its that time of the year... that comes every five years. I think there is a grammar mistake in that sentence. Never mind.
So its election again. 5 glorious years of Congress in power has come to an end and the people are given the option of having them in power or chucking them out for a better guy. Personally, I like Dr. Manmohan Singh. He was different, in the sense that he didn't come out with press releases of ramblings and retorts for accusations from the opposition. He kept very much to himself and his work. He handled the economic crisis as expected from an eminent economist. But what surprises me though is BJP's repeated accusation that Dr. Singh is a weak PM. But I have no idea on what basis should someone be called a weak PM. Or I don't know of any instance where Mr. Advani proved himself strong.
Well, its election, so 90% accusations are baseless. Its funny to note that both parties have remade Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire to suit their election campaign. Get creative dudes!
And it was on May day that I had one of my model examinations. I took a bus to college as usual, in one of those fancy deluxe buses... you know the ones with the so-called "automatic doors" and the "low floor". Fare being Rs. 7, I gave the conductor a ten rupee note. And to my surprise (this is the sweet surprise the title boasts of) the guy gave me 7 rupees back. At first I thought the guy gave me the wrong ticket, but it was correct. 7 rupee ticket is now 3 rupees. Minimum fare for deluxe bus is Rs. 2.50 from Rs. 4.50... One old guy started reminiscing of the days when a plate of dosas were sold at 80 paises. Such was the power of slashing bus fares. Of course everyone came to their senses and said that this was just an election stunt. Talking about election stunts, I couldn't but think of Kalaignar lying down in front of air coolers "in order to bring about cease-fire in Srilanka". Kalaignar sure knows how to woo voters. Anyway, the next day, on the Hindu, I found out that bus fare reduction was an election code violation and the transport minister will be facing the music.
Serves you right!
You know, this is the first time I'll be voting. For all those who are 18 years of age, have their names in the voter list, please vote. Those who don't want vote there is a register in every voting booth. you can enter our name during polling, to say that you don't want to cast your vote to any of the parties. This prevents people from doctoring votes int he name of people who didn't come to vote. So please exercise your right to vote. If you would rather listen to advice given by someone older and more famous than me, watch any news channel... Aamir Khan will be speaking on behalf of me (only during commercial breaks).
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